Colibita 255 C, Colibița 427007

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Privacy Policy

To carry out its activities, Givian Delicepan S.R.L. processes personal data of certain individuals, which may include users of this website or collaborators/contractual partners of the company. Givian Delicepan S.R.L. . 


Personal data refer to information about an identified or identifiable individual, i.e., information about a person whose identity is either clear or can be determined through additional data.  


Such individuals are referred to as "data subjects" under data protection legislation.

In accordance with Regulation No. 679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR), personal data processed via this website may be used for the following purposes:GDPR”), datele prelucrate de Givian Delicepan S.R.L. prin intermediul Site-ului putand fi folosite in scopuri precum: 

  1. Recruitment operations. 
  2. Processing your reservation requests.
  3. Marketing and promotional activities, including soliciting feedback on services provided. 
  4. Ensuring the security of people and property through video surveillance.
  5. Conducting market and product research. 
  6. Administering and maintaining this website. 
  7. Promoting advertising campaigns run by Givian Delicepan S.R.L.. 
  8. Handling inquiries, complaints, or requests. 
  9. Communicating with contractual partners and collaborators, either on a case-by-case basis or under a formal agreement. 
  10. By submitting your personal data via the website, you explicitly and unequivocally consent to its use for the purpose you provided it for. 


When using this website, the following types of personal data may be collected: name, surname, home address, email address, phone number, IP address, access date and time, and information included in resumes. 

We store personal data only as long as necessary to fulfill the stated purposes and subsequently for the applicable legal retention period. After this, personal data will be destroyed, deleted, or anonymized, as required for scientific or statistical purposes.  


In specific situations mandated by law, data retention periods may be extended.  


Unul dintre temeiurile de prelucrare a datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal poate fi reprezentat de consimtamantul dumneavoastra. In aceasta situatie, Givian Delicepan S.R.L. trebuie sa fie in masura sa demonstreze ca dumneavoastra v-ati dat consimtamantul pentru prelucrarea datelor personale. In acest sens, inainte de acordarea consimtamantului, Givian Delicepan S.R.L.  va informeaza cu privire la acest lucru. Dumneavoastra aveti dreptul sa va retrageti in orice moment consimtamantul, cu precizarea ca aceasta nu afecteaza legalitatea prelucrarii efectuate pe baza consimtamantului inainte de retragerea acestuia. 


Datele cu caracter personal ale minorilor (cum ar fi: numele si prenumele, parola, adresa, numarul de telefon, unitatea de invatamant, alte date cu caracter personal ale acestora, datele cu caracter personal ale membrilor de familie nu vor fi prelucrate de catre Givian Delicepan S.R.L. , fara acordul prealabil al parintilor/reprezentantilor legali ai acestora. 


Your rights regarding personal data include the right to be informed, access your data, correct it, delete it, restrict its processing, be notified of rectification or deletion, data portability, object to processing, avoid automated decisions, and file complaints with supervisory authorities or courts. 


To exercise these rights, send a written, dated, and signed request to the data protection officer at Specify if you wish to receive the response at a specific address (including email) or via secure correspondence.  


Please note: 

  • These rights are not absolute. Each request will be reviewed to determine its validity. If justified, we will facilitate your rights; if not, we will explain the reasons and inform you of your right to appeal to the Data Protection Authority or court.  
  • We aim to respond within 30 days, but the timeframe may be extended depending on the complexity of your request or other factors.  
  • If we are unable to identify you and no additional information is provided, we may not fulfill your request.   


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